Active Ingredient : 700 g/l Mineral Oil + 3 g/l Pyriproxyfen
Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Package : 15 lt, 1 lt
Pyriproxyfen inhibits differentiation and prevents reproduction by its effect on embryogenesis formation in insects. It mimics natural insect hormones that inhibit the maturation of eggs and larvae. When applied to eggs and larvae, the eggs do not hatch and the larvae cannot pass to the next stage. Pyriproxyfen can affect an insect when touched or eaten.
Mineral oil, on the other hand, raventse the development and activity of aerobic pathogens by covering the plant surface, acts as a respiratory inhibitor by suffocating on pests and has a caustic effect on contact. The main control effect of the oil; it is in the form of suffocation when it moves into the breathing holes (sodium channels) of the insects. It also controls insect behavior. For example, it has been observed that female individuals do not lay eggs in the oily region. In general, it is recommended against sucking pests that overwinter in fruit trees. The preparation is long-acting and easily soluble in water.
Method Of Application
As a winter application, it is applied once a day when the air temperature is above 5 degrees 2-3 weeks before the buds open.
Miscibility: It is recommended to make premix trials before mixing large quantities for application.